New Orleans Hurricanes Acquire Nic Rippel

New Orleans Hurricanes Acquire Nic Rippel

The New Orleans Hurricanes saw great success this past season by meeting the majority of our first professional season goals. We attribute that success to several factors – mostly our culture of commitment, focus, teamwork, trust, and our strategic and tactical approach to the game. But it is the players who exemplify this culture that are the treasure. Regrettably, the Canes lost two players this past season due to more important commitments outside of our program: Matt Hamilton and Aaron Smith. Both of these snake side attack players were key components to the Canes success over the past few years and their departure was a serious blow to our depth chart.

Finding a player(s) that can “plug and play” into a culture like ours is difficult to say the least. Not only would they have to hurdle our strict cultural requirements, but they would have to meet our exacting expectations of skill set on top of that.
As fate would have it, a player who met all our expectations showed up at our try-outs.

The Canes would like to welcome the newest member to our 2023 Professional roster by way of Germany, Nic Rippel! Some of you may already know Nic from his aggressive attack style with Breakout Spa in the European NXL or perhaps most recently where he showed his versatility with the Lucky 15’s this past World Cup. Please join the Canes in giving him a hearty southern welcome as he dons the Hurricane Blue!

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